
2022-03-15 17:41:24 作者:pajiaxing01


    On March 14, 2022, Jebsen Motors’ Porsche Centre Haining officially soft opened. As the first Porsche Centre in Haining and the 13th Jebsen Motors Porsche Centre in the Greater China region, this new launch marks Jebsen Group’s further expansion of its investment in the Chinese mainland, extending its automotive footprint to more Yangtze River Delta regional markets and providing a benchmark service experience for even more customers in Eastern China.


    Porsche Centre Haining is the first Porsche Centre in the Zhejiang Province to fully utilise Porsche's new corporate architecture concept - "Destination Porsche". It covers a total site area of 7,592 square metres, with a total building area of 9,782 square metres over three levels, including an underground garage. It is one of China’s largest category-one Porsche 4S centres, equipped with both sales and after-sales service facilities including a showroom, mechanic team and body and paint spraying. The new centre features several of the latest fast-charging facilities for pure electric vehicles, complementing Porsche’s all-electric Taycan sports car, which can charge up to 80% in half an hour.


    Porsche Centre Haining has also applied a number of industry-leading digital technologies and solutions, reflecting Jebsen Motors’ commitment to its digital innovation strategy. The showroom’s multimedia system uses a centralised control platform, integrating both modularity and user interaction to improve customer service efficiency and relevance.


    Jebsen Motors is committed to the sustainable development of the economy with a focus on the community. In October 2021, Jebsen Motors announced that it had achieved carbon neutrality across all 21 of its Greater China locations — with its Shanghai office having achieved this the previous year — making it China’s first carbon-neutral car dealership group. The Porsche Centre Haining is built to meet the LEED Platinum standard, the world's most authoritative global green building evaluation system, with the aim of building a benchmark Porsche Centre.


    The centre’s lighting systems use LED lights to reduce electricity consumption and loss; an advanced ground-source heat pump system delivers a comfortable climate to customers while avoiding the environmental impact caused by heat release. Meanwhile, a solar photovoltaic system meets the centre’s electricity consumption needs while also allowing for reverse power transmission to the national grid during low periods of electricity consumption. This, in turn, reduces the carbon emissions and environmental pollution generated during electricity production. The centre’s rooftop sky garden enables customers to enjoy the natural environment throughout spring and autumn, while simultaneously reducing air conditioning power consumption. Similarly, vertical gardens have been installed on the building’s exterior walls to reduce air conditioning power consumption while enhancing the customer experience. To meet the needs of all its customers and staff, Porsche Centre Haining has incorporated barrier-free facilities and a gym into its design.

    捷成汽车长期聚焦人才培养,不断完善人才队伍的建设,注重员工与企业的共同成长,为客户提供超出预期的优质服务。截止到2022年1月底,海宁保时捷中心在职人员30名,包含4名技师(保时捷全球认证的铜级技师1名)、4名销售顾问。 其中有4名员工是从捷成旗下其他保时捷中心调任至海宁保时捷中心,在捷成平均服务年限是10年。这当中就包括海宁保时捷中心的总经理陆明,他于2006年加入捷成汽车,从销售岗位做起,工作优异,一路晋升至上海浦西保时捷中心的副总经理,此次他的升迁更是充分彰显了捷成对人才长期培养及发展的重视。

    Jebsen Motors has long concentrated on talent development and improvement, focusing on the growth of its employees and the company as a whole, by providing customers with quality services that exceed expectations. As of January 2022, Porsche Centre Haining has 30 employees, including four technicians (one of whom is a Porsche Bronze Certified Technician) and four sales consultants. Four of these employees transferred to Porsche Centre Haining from other Porsche Centres under Jebsen Motors, with an average of 10 years of service within the Group. This includes the General Manager of Porsche Centre Haining, Peter Lu, who first joined Jebsen Motors in 2006, starting from a sales position and working his way up to Deputy General Manager of Porsche Centre Shanghai Puxi. This ability to retain valued team members demonstrates the importance Jebsen places on the long-term training and development of its people.


    In the past few years, the Yangtze River Delta has been a core development area of the Jebsen Motors' dealer network, with its outlets in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing growing steadily and achieving remarkable results. This region accounted for 45% of Jebsen Motors’ total new car sales volume in 2021. By adopting a clustered development strategy, Jebsen Motors can better meet the needs of its customers and give them more choices.

    捷成汽车董事总经理奕波先生(Joachim Eberlein)表示:“海宁市文化底蕴深厚,近年来经济更是高质量发展。捷成深耕大中华地区120多年,对汽车市场、对海宁发展充满信心,未来我们也将战略布局和投资目光逐渐投向更多的城市和地区寻求机遇和进取的空间,不断创新,再创高峰。”

    Joachim Eberlein, Managing Director of Jebsen Motors, said, “Haining City has a rich cultural heritage and in recent years, the economy has developed to a great level. Jebsen has been investing within the Greater China region for over 120 years now and is confident in both the automotive market and in Haining. We will continue to gradually invest in more cities and regions, seeking opportunities and room for advancement while continuing to innovate and elevate our business.”

    作为与保时捷合作长达67年的大中华地区合作伙伴、以及保时捷全球最大的经销商集团之一, 2021年,捷成汽车在中国内地、香港和澳门累计交付了逾11,000辆新车,约占保时捷中国在该地区总销量的12%。此外,捷成汽车已连续第六年荣获保时捷中国“卓越保时捷中心”评选桂冠,创下历史性的业务佳绩的同时也受到业内高度的认可。

    Jebsen Motors has been Porsche’s representative in Greater China for 67 years; as of 2021, the Group delivered over 11,000 new cars across the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Macau, representing approximately 12% of Porsche’s total sales in the region. Jebsen Motors was recently awarded Porsche China Dealer of the Year for the sixth consecutive year, achieving great sales success and maintaining its high status within the automotive industry.




