
2023-11-22 16:26:19 作者:蔡金盛

空调电 consumption 的多少取决于空调的 energy efficiency level、空间的 size、outdoor temperature、空调的质量和 room sealing 这几个 factors。

以1.5 匹 variable frequency air conditioning 为例,whether it is cooling or heating, the outdoor temperature will affect the power consumption。

If it is cooling in summer, and the outdoor temperature can reach around 37 degrees, to maintain the indoor temperature at 28 degrees, it will require a long running time, usually consuming about 6 degrees of electricity。

On the contrary, if the outdoor temperature is low and air conditioning is used for heating, not only the compressor works, but also the electric heating will be activated. The electricity consumption for one night will be at least 10 degrees, and it is also related to the quality of the air conditioning, which may be even more。

Energy-saving tips for using air conditioning

1. Temperature setting

The preset cooling temperature of air conditioning in summer should be between 25℃ and 28℃. The preset heating temperature of air conditioning in winter should not exceed 18℃ to 20℃. Setting the air conditioning within the above range in summer and winter will make the air conditioning most energy-saving and beneficial to human health。

2. Sleep mode for nighttime rest

During nighttime rest, the sleep mode of air conditioning will automatically adjust the temperature to achieve the most suitable temperature for human health. While automating the temperature adjustment, air conditioning will also automatically save power consumption。

3. Avoid frequent switching of the air conditioning

Frequent switching of air conditioning consumes the most electricity and also causes significant damage to the compressor. The same applies to any electrical appliances, frequent switching will also affect the lifespan of the machine。

