
2024-09-26 18:18:11 作者:资讯小编

迪拜闯红灯处罚,这位车友你要好好珍惜我去国外网站找的还亲自翻译给你,中英解释如下:Young people in the United Arab Emirates love racing, so the United Arab Emirates traffic regulations are more stringent on speeding penalties:阿联酋年轻人很爱飙车,所以阿联酋交规对超速判罚比较严格:

1、In the United Arab Emirates, a fine of 2,000 dirhams (about 1.7 yuan per dirham) is imposed for running a red light, and 12 black spots are recorded; overtaking causes traffic accidents, and a fine of 1,000 dirhams is imposed for 6 black spots;(1、在阿联酋,闯红灯罚款2000迪拉姆1迪拉姆约1.7元人民币, 记12个黑点;超车引起交通事故, 罚款1000迪拉姆, 记6个黑点);

2、If the driver gets 24 black spots for the first TIME查成交价|参配|优惠政策), the drivers license is withheld for 3 months and the car is withheld for 15 days, if he gets another 24 black spots for the second TIME, the drivers license is withheld for 6 months and the car is withheld for 1 month;(2、如果司机第一次得到24个黑点, 驾照被扣3个月, 汽车被扣15天,如果他又得到了第二次24个黑点, 驾照被扣6个月, 汽车被扣1个月);

3、If you get 24 black spots for the third TIME, your drivers license will be revoked. It takes a year to get a new drivers license and a month to detain the car.(3、如果第三次得到24个黑点, 驾照被吊销。为得到新的驾照需要等一年,汽车也要被扣1个月)。

