
2022-10-27 18:08:08 作者:问答叫兽


  帕萨特1.8T电控发动机故障诊断与检修摘 要:电子技术的飞速发展和汽车相关法规的建立,促进了汽车控制技术的形成与发展,作为汽车重要组成部分的发动机已进入了电子控制化的时代。汽车发动机电控技术在给发动机带来了控制精确性、系统的稳定性、燃油消耗的经济性和排放的环保性等优点的同时,也给发动机故障检测诊断带来了困难。本文就是针对这一问题深入研究了帕萨特1.8T电控发动机故障诊断与检修。

  本文阐述了帕萨特1.8T电控发动机控制系统的基本组成和工作原理,分析了帕萨特1.8T电控发动机电子控制系统出现故障以后,如何利用人工和各种仪器对其进行检测诊断。重点研究了帕萨特1.8T电控发动机各种常见故障(发动机不能起动、发动机起动困难、怠速不良、加速不良、点火不正常)的故障现象、故障原因、故障的诊断排除方法。关键词:帕萨特1.8T 电控发动机 故障诊断Title:Passat 1.8 T electronic-controlled engine fault diagnosis and maintenanceAbstract:The rapid development of electronic technology and the establishment of the relevant laws and regulations, promote the formation and development of the auto control technology, as an important part of automobile engine has entered the era of electronic control. Automobile engine electronic control technology in brought engine control accuracy and the stability of the system, the consumption of fuel economy and emissions of the advantages of the environmental protection at the same time, also brought difficult to diagnosis of engine fault detection. This article is aimed at this problem deeply studied the passat 1.8 T electronic-controlled engine fault diagnosis and maintenance. This article expounds the passat 1.8 T of electronically controlled engine control system basic composition and working principle, analyses the passat 1.8 T electronic-controlled engine electronic control system after a failure, how to make use of artificial and all kinds of instrument to detect the diagnosis. Passat 1.8 T electronic control engine is mainly studied various common faults (engine not starting, engine starting difficulty, idle speed, acceleration, the ignition abnormal) the failure phenomenon, failure reason and fault diagnosis method. Keywords:Passat 1.8T electronic controlled engine fault diagnosis目 录TOC \o "1-3" \h \u Word 找不到您目录中的任何项。

(图/文/摄:太平洋汽车网 问答叫兽)

